Monday, March 28, 2016

Management Platforms and Tools
By Mikala Lindhardt

            I will be completely honest and admit I never had even heard the word aggregators or knew what it even meant. Nor did I know a lot about analytics and how important it could be to analyze information you could receive from social media sites. So, this article will focus a lot on the important of analyzing. I did some research on social media analytics, in regards to aggregators, and found ‘the social media analytics compass’. I’m sure there are many different ways to look at analytics, but this is something I would like to expand upon. After some research I was able to learn more about how advertisements work and why I get the ‘pop-ups’ I get when I am on the internet.
            Computers practically have a real brain. I believe that pretty soon we will be able to replace ourselves completely with computers because the technology they process and the things they can do are simply amazing. Tracking and analyzing data are just a few of thing services computers can do.
            That being said, let’s talk about analytics for social media. In an article I read, author Ian Cleary introduces a Social Media Analytics Compass to help us better understand what we are able track and what would be important to track in order to improve our social media profiles and followers.

            As you can see, there are eight sections of the compass and in the article it breaks up each one. This compass and the information is based on Google Analytics. In a different article written by the same Razor Social site, a method used by companies is email subscribers. If the company or organization can get you to put in your email to continue to their website, then then can advertise directly to you. It is also a way to track how many people have used the site.
            Tracking followers and frequency of visits to a website it also possible on blogs such as this one. I will use this blog as an example. For those with a website, go check out your stats that are automatically analyzed. To do this, go to ‘design’ and then click on ‘stats’ on the left-hand side of the page. From this page you can see how many people have viewed your blog and from what countries. Not only that but you can see with what internet browsers were used to view your page. You are also able to see what blog posts were the most popular. There are graphs and charts in order to better see your progress.
            Information like this can be helpful and useful if you are trying to be a professional blogger or advertise something. You are able to see who viewed your page, when they viewed it and how popular that certain post was to others.

            Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post! I like that you added the info graphic. It is pretty nuts the kind of analytic tools there are! The amount of info at our disposal is unfathomable.
