Monday, January 18, 2016

Social Media Change
By Mikala Lindhardt

Think back ten or 20 years ago, how did we as a society communicate? Has it changed much? The answer, yes.
            Social media and the transition to an electronic world has changed the way we communicate and interact with other people.
            In an article written by EBAY entitled, ‘the way the internet has changed the way we communicate’ a questioned was asked, “oh internet, where would we be without you?”
            Have you ever thought about it, where would we be without the internet? Just try to imagine your life without the internet for 24 hours. A lot of what we do would be very difficult, if not impossible because we are a society dependent on technology.

The fast connection:

            We are able to connect and communicate with friends and acquaintances across the globe in a matter of seconds. We are able to text our friend sitting next to us if we wanted to ask a question and not ask it out loud. Some may think we have become lazy; I like to think we have become efficient. In some ways that is.
            However, our efficiency can sometimes get us into trouble. Let’s look at online dating. Tinder is one of the most popular dating sites among youth. According to the New York Times an estimated 50 million people use Tinder every month. It is the thing now a day to hook up on Tinder and meet up to make-out or the term now ‘Netflix and chill’.
            Now, I’m not here to judge, but how has that changed the way teens view relationships? When you’re married and you get in a fight you can’t swipe left on your significant other. It makes me nervous for what the future holds sometimes. Maybe in the next 20 years we will be able to swipe left. Just a thought.

Expectations rise:

            As a University student, it is easy to access articles to get other people’s point of view for class work or for ideas on topics, but at the same time because of the access we have at our fingertips there is a lot more expected of us.
            Think about it. I know for me, I have a lot more homework and expectations than my parents had in college. They tell me about their experiences and it is completely different.
Today, it is possible and quite popular to take online classes. You are even able to get a degree without even talking to or interacting with a professor.

Indeed, there is change:

            I think we can all agree there have been changes in media and communication with social media. It will be interesting to see what happens and how things change both positively and negatively.

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